Cron Jobs

Cron Jobs run by idadm

These cron jobs are run by user idadm on host The directory with all the scripts is in directory ~idadm/cron.

This is a working copy of a mercurial repository. You can clone the repository with this command:

hg clone ssh://

As user idadm you can activate the cron jobs with the command:

crontab -e

There is a copy of the file shown in the working copy, named “crontab”. This is how the file looks like (as of 2016-04-18):

# m h  dom mon dow   command
# copy undulator panels to sioux/crow/cree
00 02 * * * $HOME/cron/
30 02 * * * $HOME/cron/
0 6 * * * $HOME/cron/

Panel distribution

The script copies the undulator panels to various places.

id_db distribution

The script copies the IDCP Parameters (StructuredData) file with undulator parameters to various places.


This creates an overview of IOC boot times, not just for the undulator IOCs but for many other IOCs of the Bessy controlsystem.