IDCP is an EPICS application that runs on an IOC <https://docs.epics-controls.org/en/latest/guides/EPICS_Intro.html?highlight=IOC#ioc-software-components>.

This document describes how to set up a VME Bus mvme2100 CPU with RTEMS 4.9 for this IOC.


IDCP can now also run on a PC with Linux and a PCAN-PCI CAN bus card, see Linux PC.

Set up NVRAM


Unplug jumper J9 on the CPU board.

Set up real-time clock

Switch on the board and enter the command:


If it shows that the real time clock is not running, enter:


where ‘MM’ is the month, ‘DD’ the day, ‘YY’ the year, ‘HH’ the hour and ‘MM’ (at the end) the minutes.

Set up boot information



At each prompt shown press <ENTER> until you see:

Client IP Address

There enter the IP address of the VME board. You can use <backspace> to delete an address and enter a new one. Then press <ENTER>. At:

Server IP Address

enter the IP address of your tftp boot server.

At the following prompts enter the correct network settings:

Subnet IP Address Mask
Broadcast IP Address
Gateway IP Address

Now at:

Boot File Name ("NULL" for None)

enter the file name of the boot file. The IOC loads this file with the TFTP protocol from the boot server. It is recommended that this is a RTEMS 4.9 kernel with cexp shell.

Now press <ENTER> until you see the prompt:

Boot File Load Address

then press dot (‘.’) and <ENTER>.


Update Non-Volatile RAM (Y/N)

press ‘Y’ and <ENTER>.

Set up auto boot



Now press <ENTER> (about 6 times) until you see the prompt:

Network PReP -Boot Mode Enable [Y/N]

press ‘Y’ and <ENTER>.

Now press <ENTER> (about 23 times) until you see the prompt:

Network Auto Boot Enable [Y/N]

press ‘Y’ and <ENTER>.

At the prompt:

Update Non-Volatile RAM (Y/N)

press ‘Y’ and <ENTER>.

At the prompt:

Reset Local System (CPU) (Y/N)

press ‘Y’ and <ENTER>.

Monitor the boot process

If the RTEMS 4.9 kernel is loaded, you can use the command ‘bootChange()’ to enter the boot parameter.

Configure boot parameters

To change the boot parameters enter:


You can press <ENTER> if a parameter should remain unchanged or enter a new value.


The actual boot parameters for the sites where IDCP is used can be found at List of IOC Bootparameters.

Below you find the generic description:

boot device          : dc
unit number          : 1
processor number     : 0
host RSH mount point : vwhost

At ‘file name’ enter the name of the boot file, usually a file named ‘rtems.bin’:

file name            : <rtems binary>

The following three parameters configure your network:

inet on ethernet (e) : <IOC IP ADDRESS>:ffffff00
inet on backplane (b): <ENTER>
host inet (h)        : <SERVER IP ADDRESS>
gateway inet (g)     : <IP GATEWAY>

Configure the user name the IOC uses to log on to the server:

user (u)             : <USER>

Leave ftp password unchanged:

ftp password (pw) (blank = use rsh): <ENTER>

The flags should always have this value:

flags (f)            : 0xa

The target name is the hostname of the IOC:

target name (tn)     : <IOC HOSTNAME>

The startup script is the script the IOC loads at boot:

startup script (s)   : <STARTUP SCRIPT>

Leave NFS setting unchanged:

NFS [server:]mnt (o) : <ENTER>