The BESSY Insertion Device Control System¶
Table of contents¶
- Introduction
- IDCS - The Insertion Device Control System of BESSY II
- The insertion device control program (IDCP)
- How to build and install IDCP
- Edit configuration files in an installed version
- IDCP User Interface
- IDCP Status and Error Codes
- CAN Object ID conventions at the HZB
- The Monochromator CAN bus interface specification
- IDCP correction coil control (ACS)
- The idcp-dist-info tool
- Change IDCP versions used by IOCs (rsync-dist)
- The IDCP parameter database
- List of IOC Bootparameters
- How to set up the IOC hardware
- The UniDrive Motor control system
- The MOCON motor control
- Insertion Device Cryo control program
- IP Addresses and DNS names
- Sites
- The Source Code
- IDCP, uniserv, moserv and mosim license